EBS – Australia. Ink Jet printers and printing systems have been successfully used for a variety of applications in the service and industrial markets.

Our EBS printing capabilities extends to its use for:

  • different base material,
  • different surface type
  • different surface conditions like porous surfaces, undulating surfaces etc

Typical surfaces that our printers can be applied to are:

  • Fabric
  • Paper
  • Plastics
  • Metals
  • Stone and other natural material
  • Glass
  • Ceramics
  • Wood and wood like material
  • Leather
  • Construction material
  • Etc

Availability : We have adequate stock of our inkjet printers and DOD  equipment that will ensure that all your printing requirements will always be available.

We are able to demonstrate the products and facilitate trials on your site.

Flexibility of Supply: Our policy of Try Before You Buy allows you to evaluate the product for sample print size, drying time PPM speed, colour and number of prints achievable before you buy the product.

Staff Training: It is our policy to provide on-site staff training if required.

The raining will be comprehensive and detailed to ensure that your organisation will not experience any unnecessary down time.